Monday, October 11, 2010

First Cold of the Season

DD and I are currently experiencing our first cold of the season. Last week was difficult as we were getting ready for a trip out of state over the weekend. I declared Tuesday to be fired as I had managed to roast a chicken, make the stock and then for various reasons the stock never managed to get drained and put into the fridge. We still ate very well - baked haddock with wheat-free soy sauce/oil one day, Chicken Hekka with honey another day, and chili.

DH finally was able to make the big batch of chili on Thursday night and the next morning I ran it through the FoodSaver. 4 lbs of ground beef, 4 lbs of ground pork, 10 tomatoes, 10 onions, tons of garlic, chili powder, cumin, beans.. I ended up packaging 3 3-lb packages and 1 4 1/2 lb package that are now in the freezer.

The collard greens and beets I ordered from my weekly farm order are hopefully still good. If I have the energy I'll be making them today. I'm taking my cod liver oil, I'll be eating carrot-sauerkraut at lunch and maybe at dinner, too. I'm trying to get my water intake up as I wasn't too good about it over the weekend (being in a car for 6 hours doesn't make me want to drink tons of water haha). I also need to make sure I'm taking the time to nurse my kids as often as possible so that they get my immunities and keep them from getting sick or at least it not being as bad. Maybe we'll watch a movie today. :)

I also need to start planning my next Polyface order/meal plan. Roasts are very cheap per lb so I want to see about doing a roast maybe 3 times over the 5 week period before the following order. Plus I'll be getting a sirloin steak for each week as I've been ordering that from my weekly farm order and I'm pretty confident in my ability to cook it. :) That's another post for another day!

Our trip over the weekend went really, really well. I was nervous about going anywhere with food sensitivities plaguing us. It's depressing when you make it a long time doing something and then somehow screw it up. As of today we've been 14 days gluten and dairy free so I didn't want to have to start all over. We ate VERY well, lots of cajun goodies. Red beans and rice Friday night/lunch Saturday, then crawfish etouffee on Saturday night. We made buckwheat pancakes Saturday morning plus bacon and scrambled eggs. Sunday morning had leftover pancakes, hash browns and bacon/eggs. I had a tall soy no whip Mocha at Starbucks when we went out to Barnes and Noble. We had Chipotle on our way out on Friday and on our way home yesterday since that's the only safe place for us to eat.

Overall we're still eating healthy! I've lost 7 lbs since we went gluten and dairy free and now it's starting to slow down which is good (as a breastfeeding mom you don't want your supply to tank from losing too much weight).

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