Friday, June 3, 2011

GAPS Prep, Day 3

Yesterday was a very busy day with a farm food pickup, work, and a grocery store run! However, I still managed to bake two whole porgies then turn them into stock (which I have going right now). I also made Girl Gone Primal's Nice & Naughty Nightshade dip and Sunflower Seed Crackers. Except I somehow ran out of the enormous bag of sesame seeds I had and subbed ground crispy almonds. I may have cooked them a bit too long as they tasted just a teensy tangy/burnt. Still edible, though. Today I'll be making GGP's prawn pate as well. And maybe more Nutty Blueberry Protein Balls (the original recipe calls for dates instead of prunes and blueberries instead of strawberries). And maybe another carrot mousse cake. I also have apples that will start going soft soon to dehydrate as well as more strawberries and bananas. Those went *fast*. I also plan on dehydrating some zucchini slices to be chips.

Today I am going to a GAPS information session. My husband took the day off because I've got a dentist appointment this morning so I'm dragging him along, too. Even if his job ends up being Child Entertainer, it would be nice if he got some exposure to this. ;)


Eggies said...

I think that it's ideal when the husband can get on board and offer his own input and support. I know for me there was nothing more awesome than when R was able to give me details about Eat to Live that *I* didn't even know after doing all the research! Loved being able to ping things back and forth with him. Good luck, can't wait to hear about what you've learned! :)

Ashley said...

What farm do you use and where are you ordering sunflower seeds and butternut squash from? Duncan can never get enough of butternut squash!