Monday, June 6, 2011

GAPS Prep, Day 7

Things are trodding along. I'm eating more fast food than I'd like because a lot of the food I have on hand requires preparation. I am trying to take advantage of free time or time while I'm already making a meal to work on something extra. Today I managed to package the zucchini chips, banana chips and dehydrated apples, then sliced 2 lbs of strawberries to go into the dehydrator. I made nutty blueberry protein balls and after dinner was cooked I made carrot mousse cake. Today I made Christie Eggies for breakfast with 1/4 avocado mashed in and it was tasty.

It looks like, since I'm nursing, we are not going to do GAPS Intro. Instead we will start with full GAPS and then, at a later date, do the intro. The question now becomes when to add in cod liver oil and probiotics. I'm thinking my plan should be to get us onto a full GAPS meal plan and then start in with the supplements, one at a time.

If I keep a regular rotation of soup in the fridge that should help a lot. I need to regularly keep an eye on what is in my fridge and see if I'll be running out in the next 24 hours and, if so, make whatever it is that I need.

For dinner tonight we had a whole chicken (which is now in the process of becoming stock on the stove) and corn on the cob, because we needed to use it up. I still have some flour, corn starch, frozen corn, corn meal and rice that needs to be used up. I may need to pass along the flour, corn meal and quite possibly the rice because we're just not using it up fast enough and I'm just anxious to get moving on this. The last thing to go will be my coffee and with that actual sugar. Dessert was Carrot Mousse Cake which I made with 1/2 as much honey as last time (1/8 cup) and it was still quite tasty.

DH worked with me on meal planning. I need to have a regular schedule. We agreed on two fish nights, two chicken nights, and 2 beef nights. I can use whole fish one time that can go into the bag of fish parts for fish stock. I will use ground or shreddable beef one night (primal tacos, chili with navy beans, etc) and we will grill steak or make a roast another night. I need to keep things interesting and I have to try out new recipes regularly to make this work. Just some thoughts. If any of you out there reading this have any suggestions I am open to it. We aren't eating grains (corn, wheat, rice, etc) or starches (potatoes, sweet potatoes) and not a whole lot of dairy though cultured dairy is allowed.


Eggies said...

ooh, yummy. This makes me hungry! I recommend you getting some delicious falafel with tzatziki sauce, and sliced cold veg. You can serve it in lettuce rather than a pita to spare the grains. And then? Invite me over for supper. Numnumnum :)

Janelle said...

Beans! We can't do most beans. I forgot. :(

Ashley said...

I'm not sure if you can do Food For Life brand stuff right now, but when I was eating corn-free for Duncan while breastfeeding I LOVED their sprouted grain tortilla wraps. I might have just contradicted myself since you're not doing grains...but they were really yummy. Oh's an idea for later maybe.