Monday, March 25, 2013

A Change of Scenery

While it has been a year and change since my last post, we are still focusing on a paleo/traditional/evolutionary diet. We have mostly learned to not strive for perfection, for that is a beast you will never tame, and I remember how far we have come from where we have been. There will be more on that in the future. This is not that post. :)

When I first thought up this blog there were many ideas I had in mind for posts: food, parenting, exercise, housecleaning, life experiences, etc. The catalyst for this post is that we have decided to homeschool our children. I'm going to have a follow up post shortly but I felt that an update post was needed first.

We're still here. DD will be 6 in June and DS will be 3 in July. We have spent the last year learning so much. I did my first Whole30 in January. My husband's company was purchased and we have spent the last couple of months in survival mode trying to figure out where things are going. As of last week things are looking up (way up) and I am now able to figure out where my focus can go.

I am no longer going to Crossfit. It's expensive! It is wonderful, though, and I miss it terribly. I've got priorities, though, and at that point in time I felt I was sacrificing family time. Don't get me wrong, I am all about self-care, but when you're gone 2-3 nights per week... well, there are only so many nights each week, and I have a partner that deserves an equal amount of time off. It didn't balance. I currently take one ballet class per week with a friend of mine, though there is an LA Fitness being built around the corner. The kids are old enough now that I am comfortable using child care services at a gym so that is an option for exercise. I am not much of a self-starter, so as much as I'd like to follow Mark Sisson's exercise ideas independently I need to be honest and realize I am not doing it.

Look for more detailed posts here soon!

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