Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trodding Along

We've done fairly well sticking to our meal plan. GFDF has had a couple of hiccups. I'll just chalk it up to a learning experience and leave it at that. There's no question to me that DD, DS and I all react to gluten if not dairy so it's time to really buckle down and not take any more chances at a reaction. As a result, I have cleared my schedule of anything that might tempt me for the next 3 weeks at least and the only visiting we're doing out of our house is a place I *know* will be safe.

I've not used the ground pork or ground beef yet. I've been meaning to get chili going this week (it was supposed to be last night's meal, but we had the last blue crab meal of the season Sunday which pushed the roast to last night and then I needed something easy tonight which was some tilapia and broccoli) so maybe I can remember to soak the kidney beans tonight to be ready for dinner tomorrow. I have a cornbread recipe to try.

I am loving Polyface's sausage in my soup, and I usually sneak a few pieces out of the 1 lb package to fry up with breakfast or, in yesterday's case, lunch.

I also rather enjoy the Freedom Roaster chicken despite it's small size. It's nice to know mentally that I'm enjoying the meat of an animal that wasn't bred to make its breast meat so large that it can't walk properly sometimes. It still gives us two meals plus stock. Today I mixed leftovers with a small organic granny smith apple, a handful of chopped walnuts and some mayonnaise for lunch. Tasty!

I am a big fan of Google, so I started a separate calendar from my main account to write up my meals. I want to see if there's anyway I can integrate that into this blog.

I finalized my UNFI buying club order a couple of days ago and the delivery will be this coming Monday. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to handle it with a baby and a 3 year old but it's a learning experience right? My total ended up being close to $350.00. I'll have 5 types of beans in stock plus almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, vitamins, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, safe-for-us chicken stock (in case I don't make enough for the week), "superfruit" spread (I don't know how I feel about the term superfruit), olive oil, maple syrup and sweet orange essential oil (it smells so good). It'll be good to have a nice stock of these foods.

However, I started reading Mark's Daily Apple and his Primal Diet. I've known people personally who have followed the Paleo Diet. It's not even a diet, so I don't like using that word, but it's intriguing. I have a feeling it will be my new "thing" to research. No grains, legumes/beans, sweets. High fat which I already subscribe to. It's not necessarily so low carb that you go into ketosis (like many people did with Atkins) but I already knew you didn't need a lot of carbs daily anyway so it's not much of a deviation for me. What I need to find out is what foods constitute fats, proteins and carbs.

I also learned yesterday about the dangers of root canals, which I haven't finished reading yet, but I am intrigued. And, considering I've been told I should get one, it's important reading for me. Apparently the alternative is having an implant placed then a crown but again, I still need to read up on it.

Sorry for the long brain dump, but life got busy and I didn't get to post sooner so this is what you get! :)